Our thoughts on the Mini Budget

Initially described as a 'Mini Budget', The Chancellor's announcements on Friday 23 September were anything but 'mini'!

As our founder, Daniel Wilkinson, highlights:

“It appears that Kwasi Kwarteng has thrown the tax rule book out of the window, announcing what some believe to have been the biggest changes in taxation since 1972.

From our perspective we will work closely with our clients to guide them through the different changes and to help them make the most of any incentives and opportunities”. He goes onto say, “The coming months and possibly years are not going to be easy. So our role as accountants and business advisors will be instrumental in helping our clients steer through these choppy waters.”

There will be a lot of changes, some of which will have more impact on some individuals and businesses than others. If you need clarification on anything, please do get in touch on 0113 320 0001 or email office@dw&co.co.uk.