With extensive knowledge of helping entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses, in this blog, DWilkinson&Company provides some great advice for budding entrepreneurs in Leeds on how to start a business.

If you're looking to start a business, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience that requires careful planning, dedication, and a robust entrepreneurial spirit. Whether you aspire to launch a tech startup, a small retail store (online or physical), a manufacturing company, or a freelance consulting business, the fundamentals of getting started remain largely the same.

This article provides a step-by-step guide on starting a business, providing valuable insights and practical tips to help you turn your vision into a successful reality.

Define your business idea

The first step in starting a business is to define a clear and compelling business idea. Identify a gap in the market, a problem that needs solving, or a unique value proposition that differentiates your product or service.

Conduct thorough market research to assess the demand, competition, and potential target audience. Refine your idea by outlining your mission, vision, and core values.

Create a business plan with an executive summary, market analysis, product/service description, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational framework.

Develop a business strategy

Crafting a well-defined business strategy is crucial for long-term success. Determine your business structure (sole trader, partnership, limited company, or limited liability partnership) and register your business with the appropriate authorities, including Companies House or HMRC.

Identify your target market and tailor your products or services to meet their needs. Conduct a competitive analysis to understand your rivals and identify opportunities for differentiation. Define your pricing strategy, distribution channels, and marketing tactics. Establish your unique selling proposition (USP) and create a brand that captivates your target audience.

This may sound daunting, but DWilkinson&Company can help you if you need some support.

Secure financing 

Starting a business requires initial investment to cover various expenses, such as equipment, stock, IT systems, marketing, and operational costs. Explore different funding options, such as personal savings, loans from family, banks, other financial institutions, and commercial lenders. The team at DWilkinson&Company can suggest funding options as well.

When trying to access funds to start your business, the funding provider will always want evidence of your business strategy and how you intend to grow and develop your business. For example, you will need to prepare a detailed financial plan that includes startup costs, projected cash flow, and revenue forecasts for at least the first year. For many entrepreneurs, these can be complex documents to put together. However, at DWilkinson&Company we produce such items daily, so we can help you generate the required information while allowing you to put forward a strong case for accessing funding for your new business.

Establish a legal framework 

Ensure your business complies with all legal and administrative requirements. If you choose to set up your business as a limited company or limited liability partnership, you must register with Companies House. If you are likely to have a turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) and/or will be paying tax through self-assessment, you must register with HMRC.

Depending on the type of products and services you will be supplying, you may also need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits and secure intellectual property rights if applicable. This may involve consulting with legal professionals to draft contracts, agreements, and terms of service to protect your business interests.

Choose the right accounting software

You must also choose appropriate accounting software to help you manage your finances effectively. We can provide first-hand knowledge on what type of accounting systems will best suit your business type and your budget, ensuring that, where necessary, your accounting software meets the various regulatory requirements, such as complying with HMRC's Making Tax Digital scheme.

Execute your marketing and sales strategy

Develop a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy to effectively promote your products or services. Use various marketing channels such as digital advertising, social media, content marketing, public relations, and networking events.

Create a compelling story about your brand and engage with your target audience through captivating content and personalised messaging. Establish strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand your reach. Implement a sales strategy focusing on building relationships, providing exceptional customer service, and constantly evaluating and adjusting your approach based on market feedback.


Starting a business can be challenging yet rewarding. Following the essential steps outlined above and maintaining a passion for your vision can set you up for success.

Remember, running a successful business requires perseverance, adaptability, and an appreciation that you will be on a continuous learning curve.

DWilkinson&Company will be with you every step of the way. Find out more about our Essential Business Services.

Start your business journey today by contacting us for a free initial consultation. Simply complete and submit our enquiry form, or email office@dwco.co.uk or call 0113 320 0001.